MAPS: Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship

About MAPS

The MAPS (Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship) program was created by the Institute for Bird Populations ( in 1989 to assess and monitor the population dynamics of North American land birds.  The program comprises a continent-wide network of constant-effort mist netting stations.  Analysis of the resulting data provides critical information relating to the ecology, conservation, and management of North American land bird populations.

The Major Goals of MAPS:

  • Provide data on vital (productivityand survival) rates to complement count data
  • Identify likely causes of bird population declines

Why Monitor Productivity and Survival?

  • Because they are affected by environmental stress and/or management actions directly and without substantial time lags
  • They are better indicators of habitat quality rather than habitat abundance
  • They provide information on the likely causes of bird population change
  • They provide information on the part of the lifecycle that is limiting for populations
  • They can be used to identify the health and viability of bird populations
  • They can be used to identifypopulation growth and decline

Other Bird Conservation Goals of MAPS

  • To identify likely demographic causes of bird population change
  • Formulate conservation management strategies to reverse declines and
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of bird conservation management actions already implemented